The recycling sites for Springdale Township residents is at any of the PA69 County Recycling sites located in Arcadia, Bear Lake, Cleon/Copemish, Dickson/Brethren, Maple Grove/Kaleva, Marilla, Onekama and Pleasanton Townships.
Keep your recyclables loose when put into the green recycling containers at any of the nine drop-off locations.
Plastic bags should never be placed in the green recycling containers, even if they contain accepted recyclables. Recycle unwanted plastic bags at a local retail store or dispose of them with your trash.
Clean glass bottles and jars
Steel and tin cans; Aluminum foil and cans; empty aerosol cans
Co-mingled cardboard and paper. Please use PCA trailers whenever possible
#’s 1 – 7 plastic. Check the bottom for the number in a triangle. No triangle with a number on the bottom? It is not recyclable in our bins.
If items other than these are placed in the county bins, it is contamination and will be landfilled.